In Defense of Revolutionary
Organisation Part 2
Going Round in Circles
The ICC has for some time now been making a distinction
between the "circle spirit" (bad) and the "party spirit" (good).
Having discovered "clans" propogating the "circle spirit" within
their midst, they hope to drag themselves out from the swamp by
tugging at their own hair. They are destined to continually revolve
round in circles not from any emanations from the spirit world, but
from the way they have constructed their ideology around a series
of concentric circles. The question of organisation is reduced to
that of the party, the question of the party is in turn reduced to
a fellowship of discourse. Within this circle they privilege their
discussions with the Communist Workers Organisation, who for
years have constituted an opposing pole which the ICC can
treat as a moon reflecting the light radiating from themselves
considered as a sun, as a glorious fountainhead, streaming forth
the beautitudes of class consciousness. They also privelege the
circle of "sympathisers and readers". This is the principle domain
within which the ICC seek to mobilise support against the
"parasites" who, composed of Ex-ICC members, constitute
another belt around the ICC. This circular thinking, having
been established in the self-conception of the ICC, must
inevitably reproduce itself internally. Internal debate requires
different viewpoints. Around each viewpoint there must coalesce
those who see the correctness of that viewpoint. As the defenders
of the correct viewpoint vis-a-vis their misguided comrades, they
must in turn view themselves as the party within the party, a
circle within a circle.
The ICC calls for the defense of revolutionary organisation.
This can only start, for them, when they shuffle off the coils of
Bolshevism, liberate themselves from mindnumbing concentration of
circles. The "party spirit" is merely the "circle spirit" writ
large - larger than life. With the party, we are lead to believe,
the circle gains an infinite radius, the circular arc is
transformed into a straight line. This is the metaphysics of
Newtons calculus where finite magnitudes undergo a magical
transformation into infinite magnitudes in order to realise a
qualitive change. This is the metaphysics of the rising bourgeoisie
of the Royal Society. This is the metaphysics promulgated by
Freemasonry. This is the metaphyiscs attacked by Anton Pannekoek in
Lenin as Philosopher. This is the sterile metaphysics of the
With their repeated calls for centralisation they echo the
seventeenth century Newtonian clergy who used gravity as the
centralising principle manifesting God, and thereby underwriting a
social stability centred around the whiggish ideal of a
constitutional monarchy. The Newtonians, grouped around the
Royal Society, attacked such pantheistic materialists as
John Toland, who saw gravity as an innate property of matter, and
used this as a basis to call for a republic free from clerical
influence and religious intolerance. "In Toland's cosmology the
downgrading of the immaterial principle ruling the behaviour of
supposedly inert atoms corresponded to the downgrading, indeed the
removal of king and clergy." (Witch-hunting, Magic and the New
Philosophy, Brian Easlea 1980)
For the ICC consciousness radiates out from the party, whose
"spirit" is "a continuity of organisational principles and
experience" which must be transmitted from generation to generation
- i.e. a 'apostolic' tradition forever seeking to penetrate and
'fertilise' the inert mass of the proletariat. This is idealism run
riot, the same idealism that appears in Lenin's theory of the
'party' injecting class consciousness into the mass. In reproducing
the Newtonian metaphysics which animated the Royal Society,
is it any wonder that they then attract elements with a more openly
masonic programme?
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Forward to: In defense of the
New Atlantis
The Future lies Open
What is to be Done?
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