In Defense of Revolutionary
Organisation Part 5
The Future Lies Open
The revolutionary wave which swept the world from 1917 to 1919, in
Germany as much as in Russia, but also in other countries of the
world, this revolutionary wave took the form of workers' councils.
But it would be wrong to conclude, as do the councilists, that this
is the new form of revolutionary organisation. For something that
we have learnt in this modern era, inaugurated by the English
revolution, is that moments of great social tension call forth
their own appropriate social forms rather than replicating or
reviving old social forms. Critics call this spontaneism,
deliberately confounding two meanings of this word. In one sense it
means coming out of nowhere, arriving without warning. I oppose
this meaning in this context to another - that of being
self-generated, of the revolution being the work of the workers
themselves. It is in this later sense that social evolution evokes
crises which stimulate class struggle, and that class struggle in
turn clothes itself in organisational forms appropriate to
For revolutionaries without a revolution it is easy to mull over
revolutions of the past. In this way there develop 'fellowships of
discourse' which stem from this. Far from providing an overview or
some sort of strategic viewpoint, such groupings become
conservative and simply protect their gems of proletarian wisdom in
an ever more greatly ossified form. As such they constitute
parasites feeding upon the host of proletarian struggle. Their
existence isn't necessarily serious, and it certainly isn't
necessary to picture them in the way evoked by the ICC,
where they are depicted as being a significant weapon in the
arsenal of the bourgeoisie. Nevertheless they can constitute a
break or barrier to the development of more interesting movements,
and at such times they must be swept aside. This is what must be
done with the ICC now.
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Going Around in Circles
In Defense of The Proletariat
New Atlantis
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